Figure Pictures

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chuck's Greyhawk Webpage

Wow - my old Greyhawk Campaign website (on Geocities, back in the 90s) disappeared a number of years back (2002? 2003?). Little did I know that all (or most) of those old sites were saved by the Web Archive Project. So, I took a look, and lo and behold, there is a live Archive of my old Greyhawk campaign website.

It is not perfect - some of the images and linked pages are missing (curious), but most of it is there. I've since scraped it all, and am in the process of reformatting it for publication in a better format. I planned at one time to include lots of individual maps of countries, towns, geo-features - maybe I'll get around to it in the next 20 years or so. Also, the posting of military information in terms that a Wargame can make use of (DBA? BattleLore?)



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