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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

Excellent Gaming Weekend at MarsCon

I had a great time at MarsCon this year. I usually get to play some boardgames and such, but this time I kept to running some old school Fantasy RPG (old version of D&D were the rules, the setting was one of my own invention). To see the info on the game, visit my RPG blog, Valley of the Old Ones.

The recap of the two sessions at MarsCon has been covered here.

It was a fun time, although the players were left asking the age old question of "Who locks a hooked horror in the bathroom?"


Gaming Gifts bring new opportunities to the GWC Staff

The season of Christmas brought a lot of blessings to the staff at Gaming with Chuck (GWC) HQ. We got to spend a lot of time together, and it was all good time. That included playing some games, having friends over, and just quiet family time as well.

Along with all the good things that came from Christmas (good times, relaxation, reflection on the meaning of Christmas itself...) there also came a good number of neato presents and new games to the HQ collection! Here is a list, I hope I didn't forget anything.

Are there any requests for reviews for any of these?  I think I will try to do something for most of them over the upcoming months.  Playing these gems and treasures is the least I can do to say Thank You to the gift givers.


Monday, January 3, 2011

A Recap of the Holidays at GwC Headquarters

The holidays at Gaming with Chuck HQ were very pleasant, in spite of several mishaps.

First the mishaps - on Christmas Eve, Anita proceeded to suffer from an accident that resulted in her having to be rushed off to the emergency center for 10 stitches in her left hand. Luckily, she rolls dice with her right hand. Then, of course, on Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day we were dumped on by the largest blizzard in these parts since the mid 80s. We got over a foot of snow.

All of this meant, of course, that we had some great Gaming going on!

In the days leading up to Christmas, I ventured forth to meet up with my ODMS Brethren for some real wargaming. On the Monday before Christmas, I played some Cold War Commander with Scot (as detailed here). I also met up on a Thursday in the middle of Advent with Wayne and some other great fellows for boardgaming. There was lots of Commands&Colors:Ancients being played (as there should be.

On Christmas Eve we celebrated by having some friends over (once we realized that Anita's hand wasn't too bad off) for dinner and drinks, and of course board games! We played Citadels, Power Grid, and took a long hard look at Battles of Westeros (too many people, but it sure does look cool).

On subsequent days, Anita and I played some Settlers of Catan (with some variants from Traders and Barbarians), Stone Age (great fun) and also some Agricola (still one of my favorites).

Finally, on the Sixth day of Christmas, we traveled north to Fredericksburg, to spend New Year's Eve at our friends' (Carol and Bob) house. Of course, that meant more gaming. There was Bang, Cash & Guns, Ticket to Ride, Unspeakable Word, Thurn and Taxis and Apples to Apples. All that, plus time to travel into DC in order to spend most of Friday (New Years Eve) at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. That put me in the mood to play Stone Age...

Coming up is MarsCon in January, Williamsburg Muster and PrezCon in February, and that will be about it for me for gaming until after my PhD is finished. In the meantime, while getting ready for MarsCon, I have been fleshing out my fantasy roleplaying world when I have some spare time from school work. The fruits are over at Valley of the Old Ones.

I hope you have a great and blessed New Year, and that your holidays were wonderful as well!

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