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Friday, May 8, 2009

HotT AAR - May 7 ODMS meeting

Hordes of the Things or HOTT is currently my favorite set of Fantasy Rules.

At the weekly ODMS meeting tonight, Elliott and I played two HOTT games.

Game 1 had his Entish army facing against my army of Northern Rangers.

Ents -
Behemoth General (4)
Wizard (4)
Lurker (1)
5 Hordes (5)
3 Beasts (6)
2 Warband (4)

Rangers -
Warband General (2)
5x Warband (10)
6x Shooters (12)

Although I did pretty good against the hordes and warband, and even managed to kill two beasts, they finally got me by killing my general

This was followed up by a second game, where I swore to get my revenge - using the newly painted "Badgers of Craggen Moor" army.

Ents (version 2) -
1x Behemoth General (4)
1x Magician (4)
1x Lurker (1)
1x Horde (1)
3x Beasts (6)
2x Warband (4)
2x Blades (4)

Badgers of Craggen Moor
1x Hero General (4) - Bonnie Prince Badger
1x Hero (4) - Fergus the Piper
3x Blades (6) - Clan Lairds
3x Shooters (6) - Clansbadgers
2x Spear (4) - Shucassam Allies

This time, I was able to take the fight to the evil treemen, and finally beat them by killing the general (Hero fighting Behemoth, with my Spears on the flank of the Behemoth - got a kill during the recoil). Not before, however, the Entish Magician ensorcelled my hero.

Good games, hope to get in some more real soon!


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