Figure Pictures

Friday, November 13, 2009

Songs of Mutants and Death Ray Guns - the *Missing* Mutations

I am really excited about the new game from Ganesha that I picked up at Fall In.

I immediately set to translating all my favorite Gamma World encounters into SoMaDRG rules, and found that there are a good number of GW mutations that don't appear in the new Ganesha game.

So I started writing up the old mutations in the new rules. Here are a few . . . more will be published here in a PDF document, soon.

Poison Susceptability - The mutant is adversely affected by poison (more so than usual). This has two game effects - first, when checking for the effect of poison needle gun hits against the mutant, add +1 to the dice (so it must make a check on 3-6, vs. 4-6). Second, when checking to see if the Mutant's Q goes up, from being attacked by Poison, add +1 to the dice (so the target's Q goes up on 5-6, rather than just 6).

Dissolving Juices - Treat as Acid (or Poison).

Cryokinesis - Treat as Energy Projection/Cold.

Devolution - Short range attack. With 1 success, the target chooses one mutation that does not work for the rest of this game. With 2 successes, the mutant making the attack chooses one mutation that does not work for the rest of the game. With 3 successes, the mutant making the attack chooses one mutation that is gone permanently. Attacks against non-mutated Humans increase Q by 1 for one game (with 1 or 2 successes) or permanently (with 3 successes).

Dual Brain - Treat as Psychometry, but also grant 1 additional Mental Mutation.

Illusion - The Mutant creates an Illusionary Figure. Anyone within Medium range of the figure must make a 3D6 vs Q test. If they get 3 success, then they can ignore the Illusion for the rest of the game. 2 successes means that they can ignore the Illusion for this turn. 1 success means that the target is transfixed for this turn. No successes means that they are transfixed until the illusion moves out of range. If any other figure touches the illusion, it disappears. When a figure controlling an illusion rolls for activation, it may choose to activate itself, or the illusion (which always moves Medium).

Light Generation - Generate a flash of light. Anyone within Short range of the Mutant must make a 1d6 Q check. Failure means that they target is transfixed for a turn.

Physical Reflection - Treat as Absorption.

Reflection - Treat as Absorption, but also immune to Life Leech.

Total Healing - Whenever affected by Radiation or Poison, make a 1d6 v. Q check - with success, the effects of Radiation or Poison can be ignored.

Speed Increase - Sprint

Heightened Phys Attribute (Strength) - +1 HTH Combat

Will Force - Once per game, the character can automatically make 1d a success, in a C or Q check.

Heavy Armor - Treat as a force field (negates a potential loss in Combat, ranged or hand-to-hand) working on a 5+, and no longer effective after rolling a 1. Except Heavy Armor does not take an energy cell to operate.

Immune to Poison - Ignore effects from poison and poisoned needlers.

Horns - Treat as Hand-to-Hand specialist (+1 in close combat).

Mental Control of Body - Once per game, the mutant may take complete control over his body. He may Sprint and also receive +1 in Close Combat for 1 turn.

Magnetic Control - Treat as Telekinetic Disarm but only against weapons with a metal component.

Teleportation - The Mutant may teleport itself to any other spot on the board (or out of combat, by teleporting off the board), once per game. The mutant makes a 1d6 check v. Q, and if it fails it lands "knocked down".

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