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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Board gaming Night with a New Group in Columbus GA

So, I was able to attend a board gaming gathering last night at Moxie in Columbus Georgia.  There were a half dozen folks around who got together for this (the first) meeting of what could turn into a regular Tuesday night board gaming group.

There was a wide diversity in the back ground, as far as who has played what games, and also a wide diversity in interest in different types of games.

The games played last night were Kingsburg and also a five player version of Ticket to Ride.

Unfortunately, I got to Moxie late (more about the store in a moment), so wasn't able to play in the Kingsburg game, but it is one of the titles I have been wanting to play for some time now, so maybe I'll get to give it a go in the near future.
Kingsburg, set up and box cover

The game that I did get to play, however, was Ticket to Ride.  This was a five player version of the basic (original) game.  Still a great game, and a real challenge with 5 players.  Of course the thing that makes it so much fun with a full round of players is that it is very, very easy to cut someone off, inadvertently. Great fun for everyone except the person being cut off, that is.  And it happened, a couple of times, in the game.  I ended up taking a -21 points from tickets I didn't complete, which from my imperfect memory, and faulty math, seemed like it would have propelled me to victory if I WOULD have been able to complete them.  Oh well, that's why there are other chances to play this classic again.
Ticket to Ride, picture of an endgame situation, using 1910 cards

The place where we met and played was Moxie Paintball.  The person running the shop (I believe he is the Owner) Was Jerry - a great fellow who helped to organize the get-together, and who is also interested in a lot of games, and the one who broke out the Ticket to Ride game.  What a really friendly guy.  He started the paintball business three years ago (and kudos to him for doing so well), and only recently decided to branch out into gaming.  A really nice store, with a small, but already strong - and growing - gaming product collection.  In fact, he had a copy of Small World Underground in stock, and I plan to stop by and pick it up tomorrow.
Part of the Gaming selection at Moxie's Paintball, Columbus GA

For those interested, the store is located at 7519 Fortson Road, Columbus, GA (706) 221-6700

The group is planning to get together again next Tuesday night for more gaming.  I believe there is talk of a classic Axis and Allies game, and also some lighter Euro game filler.  Should be a good time.  Lots of talk last night about Arkham Horror and other titles - perfecto!


  1. Hi, Chuck. I am glad you have found a place to play. Many more happy gaming nights.


  2. Rodrigo, thanks! I am looking forward to meeting the Campus Nerds as well, and attending Nerd-a-Con.

  3. What about Cards Gainst Humanity, Ticket to Ride, Small World and Carcassone? Anyone play these around here?

  4. Yes at least for Ticket to Ride, SmallWorld, and Carcassonne. Lots of others as well.
