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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Traveller Tuesday - Bonus Thanksgiving Edition

Filling in the details for the generated types of ships can be a good task for random tables, as well as an additional input vector of campaign info into the game.  Some extra tables are provided here for Traders, Scientists, and Mercenaries.

Traders give a nice selection of recurring small ship encounters that provide a source of allies, rivals and potential patrons available on all worlds in the campaign.

Scientists give a series of encounters that provide details on some of the research institutions of the campaign.

Mercenaries fill the same niche as Traders, but with a more militaristic flair.  And given the amount of mercenary training that goes on in Sphere Fenix (mercenary services to the Imperium and elsewhere is a large part of the Sphere's export economy), these encounters are likely to play a decent role in the game.

Traders are presented below, Scientists and Mercenaries will be in the next Traveller posting.


This category represents independent operators (or at most small groups, owning typically only one ship).  The following table gives some examples of those that might be encountered in or around Sphere Fenix.  To generate an encounter, roll 1d6 for column A.  Then, if the nearest world is within 1 parsec, roll 1d6 for column B, or if the nearest world is 2 parsecs away (or more), roll 1d6 for column C.

Traders in Sphere Fenix
Die ADie BDie CCaptainShip
11-Val Vondas (m)"Zorga Wayfarer"
Free Trader
2-Eelynn Javik (f)"Raven"
Fat Trader
3-Venka Jissard (m)"Broma Heavy"
In System Hauler
41-2Konia (Danin)"Mudai Express"
Far Trader
53-4Venka Brimarch (m)"Pathfinder"
Merchant Trader X
65-6Airax Haruss (f)"Stellar Endeavor"
Armed Free Trader
21-Hysio Thule (m)"Flying Squid"
Free Trader
2-Pakmi Aneen
"Valentina Tereshkova"
Free Trader
3-Iarred Bibble (m)"Solar Ranger"
Antique Trader
41-2Lantha Grandes (f)"Empress of Ventai"
Merchant Trader
53-4Arden Alken (m)"Star Samurai"
Far Trader
65-6Alam Ahdar (cyborg)"Red Robin"
Far Trader
31-Winford Sabine (m)"Mondy's Opportunity"
In System Hauler
2-Jaina Madar (f)"Blue Dragonfly"
Free Trader
3-Nolan Centrich (m)"Rani of Lahore"
Fat Trader
41-2Jesma (Danin)"Yreek Wanderer"
Fast Trader
53-4Damien Bentzen (m)"Star of Yuvek"
Far Trader
65-6Cerria Vane (f)"Celestial Trade"
Armed Free Trader
41-Merrill Sarratt (m)"Starlight Express"
Antique Trader
2-Clement Richards (m)"Waynio's Freedom"
Free Trader
3-Clara Whedon (f)"Slow Ambush"
Free Trader
41-2Meteor Smith (m)"Big Endeavor"
Far Trader
53-4Winnifred Brown (f)"Clearwater II"
Merchant Trader
65-6Nelson Quasar (m)"Fire Beetle"
Far Trader
51-Millu Sissal D7(Hiver)"Santo Envoy"
Fat Trader
2-Waymire Wilkinson (m)"Flint's Jackpot"
Fat Trader
3-Delila Quintan (f)"Yuri Gagarin"
Free Trader
41-2Dyer Carmichael (m)"Destiny of Lazarus"
Fast Trader
53-4Dia Desai (f)"Nathan's Wanderer"
Armed Free Trader
65-6Rharo Olier (m)"Jiu Wan Po"
Far Trader
61-Genko Hal (exotic)"Ariel Lift"
Free Trader
2-Rhoro Melne (m)"Slow Maser"
Antique Trader
3-Elizabet Stasny (f)"Iron Wagon"
Free Trader
41-2Isaias Zephyr (m)"Fair Particle"
Far Trader
53-4Nellie Jones (f)"Good Omen"
Far Trader
65-6Issac Klepton (m)"Harsh Language"
Merchant Trader

Here are the details on the different types of Trader ship classes:
  • In System Hauler (J0) 800T (Traders and Gunboats, p.37)
  • Free Trader (J1) 200T (Main Rulebook)
  • Fat Trader/Subsidized Merchant (J1) 400T (Main Rulebook)
  • Antique Trader (J1) 400T (Merchants and Cruisers, p.69)
  • Far Trader (J2) 200T (Main Rulebook)
  • Fast Trader (J2) 200T (Traders and Gunboats, p.42)
  • Merchant Trader (J2) 300T (Merchants and Cruisers, p.85)
  • Armed Free Trader (J2) 200T (Merchants and Cruisers, p.88)
  • Merchant Trader X (J2) 500T (Merchants and Cruisers, p.93)

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