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Friday, December 21, 2012

Battlefield Effects, part 2

Okay, so here are some of the specifics of how the Battlefield Effects rule could be applied to a wargame, and the specific charts that can be used.  This is the detailed follow on to the original posting here.

As mentioned in the first article, here, approximately every third turn both sides will roll 1d6.  The high roller has Fate with him/her for that event.  If the high roller had an Even number (2,4 or 6) on their die, then the effect will be Good Fate for them.  If the high roller had an Odd number (3, or 5) on their die, then the effect will be Bad Fate for their opponent.  In all cases, if the dice contest is a tied result, then re-roll but the final results will be Special (each entry in the table below has an interpretation of what a Special result means).  Rolling a tied result more than once has no more effect than already being Special.  Note, Good Fate may affect both sides, equally Bad Fate may affect both sides.

Good Fate
1Unlooked for Relief
2Renewed Vigor
3Our Cause is Just
4A Hush in the Din
5Very Ably Commanded
6Move with a Purpose

Unlooked for Relief - An average unit (usually infantry, unless an all cavalry force) joins a random command, appearing on the tabletop at the rear of that command's controlled area.  Special: An elite unit joins the command.
Renewed Vigor - Restore half of the lost stands (casualties) to all of the units in a random command, except to units that are routing.  Special: restore all the lost stands to one of those units - player's choice.
Our Cause is Just - For the next turn, any units charging or receiving a charge do not have to pass a morale test - they are dedicated to the fight!  Special: In addition, units in one random command receive a 50% addition to any charge bonus move.
A Hush in the Din - Extremely favorable conditions for missile fire in the following turn mean that all missile fire (for both sides) will be at maximum effect.  Special: One unit in a random command is able to fire twice.
Very Ably Commanded - During the next turn, all command bonuses for one random command are doubled (double effect, double distance).  Special: All commanders on this side are affected, not just one command.
Move with a Purpose - One unit in a random command is able to move at double distance this turn.  Special: The entire command is able to move at double distance this turn.

Map of the Colina Verde battle, fought by ODMS in May of 2010, an excellent example of the sort of game where the Battlefield Effects rule could be useful

Bad Fate
1Withdraw from the Line
2Special Detachment
3Wretched Fatigue
4Darkening Skies
5Afflicted to great Distraction
6Hesitant Command

Withdraw from the Line - A unit from a random command is removed from the battle.  Special: Two units, each from a separate command, are removed from the battle.
Special Detachment - Roll 1d6 for each unit in a random command.  On a 1 or 2, inflict that many casualties, representing picked men removed from the units for some special task (off the table).  Special: Each unit in the command automatically loses either 1 or 2 figures, dice for it (1,2,3 - one figure; 4,5,6 - two figures).
Wretched Fatigue - A unit in a random command may not move or shoot for this turn.  Special: Two units in the command are so affected.
Darkening Skies - Weather has suddenly grown extremely bad.  For the next three turns, there is no road bonus to movement, and all ranged combat is at half range.  Special: No range combat at all is allowed for the next three turns.
Afflicted to great Distraction - During the next turn, a random command's commander is afflicted by extreme pains and malady - the units in the command are effectively "out of command".  Special: An additional command's commander is so affected.
Hesitant Command - One unit in a random command is unable to move this turn, yet it may still engage in ranged combat and melee combat.  Special: The entire command is so affected for the next turn.

A double blind game could be one where the Battlefield Effects rules really add to the Fog of War.

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