Chris ran his very lovely African Invaders army from out of the El Cid book (painted in part by him and his friend Matt). This is a really nice army, and not at all tricksy (I believe that the British term is "beardy"). I, on the other hand, ran the very nice Early Imperial Roman army that I purchased at Williamsburg Muster. I was not responsible for painting that army, but I must admit that it looks fabulous.
Here is a picture of our Dyanmic Duo (damned sexy wargamers) in action, while Odin looks on.

The second battle was against the Bates Menace (Gil and Mike Bates - see picture below, and also displayed by the FBI at your local Post Office). Those nefarious gamers ran Crusaders (Mike) and Vikings (Gil). I really liked the Viking army, which is good since I am in the progress of painting my own.

Info on upcoming WAB tournaments can be found on the North East Wargaming Society website.
Tags: miniatures, wargames, romans, El Cid, moors, Warhammer Ancient Battles