10 Stands of Viking type Warband (including 1 general element)
4 Stands of Viking type javeling Shooters
6 Stands of Medieval Longbow type Shooters (include 2 general elements)
4 Stands of Lizardman Blades
1 Stand of Lizardman Spear
2 Stands of Eastern style Spear
8 Stands of Medieval Spear (including 1 general element)
3 Stands of Blades (highland badger with claymore)
4 Stands of Shooters (highland badger with bow)
1 Stand of Hero General (The Laird of Craggen Moor, and his Game Warden)
1 Stand of (either) Hero or Cleric (Bonny Prince Badger, and his Piper)
This gives me enough to do a good proper Medieval barbarian type army (northern raiders, Orlanthi, Immer, Northmen, Rangers, Vikings, etc). The start of a Lizardman army. The core of another Medieval army. And of course, Craggen Moor.
Tags: miniatures, wargames, Hordes of the things
Hey Chuck, it's Steven MacLauchlan! Nice to see you on Blogspot. I'll be following!
Great looking miniatures. The Highland Badgers are great!
My blog is here: http://indierockclimber.blogspot.com Let's be blog pals!
Steven - good to hear from you. Congrats on the house, etc.
Tell me more about this Genetic Algorithm you were working on lately...
ps- I added you to my list of visited sites
Thanks for the congrats! Looking forward to actually closing and moving in (and setting up my war room!)
the Genetic Algorithm I was working on essentially used chromosomes, mutation, selection etc (Darwin style evolutionary theory) to solve different problems. The one I did was to solve the "knapsack" problem where you have items of different value and weight and have to find the best combination of stuff without it weighing more than an arbitrary value.
Artificial Intelligence stuff is cool! now I'm working on artificial neural networks and COPEs(collection of prehending entities... sort of like an ant colony that can be used for various tasks)
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